Friday, December 1, 2006

Christmas dorm party and all that comes with it...

So last night was the Christmas dorm party. There was room decoration and judging...and for an hour and a half all the dorms were both sexes!! Oh my gosh I think I will have a heart attack. To think that BOYS were allowed in girls' rooms, and vice versa. I tell ya, what is this world coming to? Har har har. To be honest, I am of split opinion on that topic. I can see the merit in having the dorms not co-ed. It's nice to be able to lounge in your room and not have any guys around. If we were in apartments, like in the Morrison, then I'd say no to guys in girls bedrooms and vice versa.

But at the same time, it sucks not being able to have them hang out in our rooms. There's hardly any place to hang out without everyone else being privy to the conversation. And of course the door would be open, that's just common sense. It was strange, it felt almost natural to have some of my guy friends in our rooms.

Mah hahaha. I cleaned my room like there was no tomorrow...last night...uh. Anyways. I realized that my room was kind of a dump before; I also realized I've been avoiding cleaning my room because it is somewhat associated with my homework. And I've been avoiding my homework because I don't want to come to grips with the load I've got to do...I get overwhelmed then just close it off from me in order to compensate with the stress. But we all know how well THAT works! So if you ever see my room a mess, that means I am avoiding something.

But yeah. I've decided (or rediscovered how much) I like having my room clean and tidy. Such less stress. I like being in my room REALLY like it.

Hm. The open dorm was stressful. I always seem kind of drained after it. The thought of so many people coming thru my room...I think my room is a bit of a sanctuary for me. I can come in here, lock my door and have only my roomie in if I want...and veg. I can pretend that nobody else exists. But yesterday when I had to have it was stressful. Probably a lot of people can identify with me. And the fact that my room reflects so much of my personality. It's decorated in the way I want it, has all sorts of personal and meaningful things on the walls, organized the way I want it. It's a little like baring my soul to have people come in and gawk and gawp at it, you know?

I did enjoy seeing the other rooms though. I am of the firm opinion that guys are way better decorators than girls. They have way cooler things in their room, way cooler setup in their rooms, and always bring in more furniture. I would much rather hang out in a guy's room than girl's...except for Mimi's. It's saweet.

But I noticed that guys seem to be less concerned about space constrictions and boundaries. For example, some guys had their beds sideways instead of parallel with the hall. It didn't seem to matter that you had to go around the bed to get into the main part of the room. I don't think I could do that except if I had my own room. I mean that's just one example, but generally it seemed that way to me. I do like that the guys seemed to have no restrictions on modifying the structure of the moving the beds, putting tables and bookshelves where the beds might have been...etc. Most girls just have the standard place for the beds or bunks with a couch opposite.

Seriously, I can't wait to get my own place, and get a bit of money and decorate my room/place. There are so many things one could do. All in good time though.

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