Sunday, April 1, 2007


I just finished watching Blood Diamond. For those that haven't seen it, it's a movie about the illegal smuggling and exportation of diamonds in Africa. The people are used like commodities just to get these diamonds. Everyone wants control of the diamond trade--the people are slaughtered mercilessly, the women brutalized, the boys stolen and turned into child soldiers. These diamonds are eventually sold to outside buyers, like Britain, America, and Canada. It's greed...people die, people do terrible things just because of this market.

And I think to myself, people are dying. We have no idea that this stuff even happens. If we do, it's remote, not a part of us. Man, I sit at this computer and I type about something that I only briefly got a glimpse into. I am so blessed to be here, and I don't even know it. I complain about the food I am given. I complain if I don't get my way. I look into the mirror and put on makeup and try to live up to some ridiculous ideal. But you know, when I look at life in war-torn countries or poverty-stricken places or whatever, where things like this happen that I can't even begin to imagine, I think, none of this matters. None of it. My stuff, my social standing, how much money I make, how many times I get to go out for coffee with my friends--it doesn't matter. Stuff doesn't matter. What matters is, am I going to make a difference? What am I doing with my life that actually matters? That will actually make an impact? People matter.

I remember in grade 11 english my teacher asked the class if it was wrong to kill a person. Everyone said yes. Then he asked, what if you were on a plane and a hijacker took over. The only way that you could save the people on board the plane was for you to kill the hijacker--would that still be wrong?

I was stumped. I was young in my faith and so I didn't know what was the answer. There are so many times now that I wish I could have gone back and said, yes, it is still wrong. I wouldn't need to kill the person because I believe in a God who is bigger than any situation. I would show love to the hikacker--because I believe that God could change his heart.

And that is what I think of when I see movies like Blood Diamond, and Hotel Rwanda, and such. People matter. God can change hearts. He can bring hope. I saw the desolation and the despair on the faces of the people, and even though it was a movie, my heart still broke. I can see how it looks like there is nothing left for those people. And materially, maybe there isn't, or isn't much. But God is bigger--God gives hope because there is truly only hope in God. One of the lines in the movie was when the guy had asked himself where was God in all of this, and then he 'realized God had left Africa a long time ago'. But he hasn't, and I know that. God is still working in all of it!

How can I live in this world and not do something? I don't want to cry a bit, blog a little, and get over it. I want to make a difference. I want to use what I learn here. I want to be the hands and feet - help people. People matter--I want to get that in my heart and live by it.



Jeremy:p said...

What's your plan to get "People matter" in your heart and to live by it?

Snafu said...

Firstly, I think it has to do with keeping my relationship with God central. I must keep Him first, because I think that will help me from becoming dull and blind again--desensitized. Then I think if I am in constant dialogue with God and being obedient to him, I will see the heart God has for his people. Then I think that will affect how I see, and ultimately treat, people.
But there's a dual duty here: keep God first, and don't put other things ahead of him. I must actively seek him, I think, or seek his face, and at the same time not seek after things that aren't going to last. What does that stuff do, anyways? It's useless junk that I get attached to and think that I need. But really, most of the stuff in my room I never use. I don't need it. Same with certain activities. What is the point of doing things like myspace or facebook? It wastes my time. If I want to get to know someone, I should just go talk to them. Then it would be an authentic relationship. If they want to show me pictures, it would mean more. If they want to tell me something, it would be because they want to share who they are with me. More personal.

So I think it comes down to a change of perspective, because if I change my perspective on how I should live my life, then I will change what I do with my life. And I know that the perspective I need to have is found in God.


Jeremy:p said...

I think that you have covered a lot of the basis. Your view on the kind of attitude you would require is exactly right. To seek after God and to put nothing before him.

I think another very important part of it is being intentional, perhaps have a mission statement/sentence, that sums up what you want to be accomplishing and pray into it, work it into a second nature. (A lot easier to do than say).

There was a women that was training for the Special Olympics, and she wanted to beat her best time. The man who told me this story was her trainer. One day he went to her house to pick her up for practice, only to find the time that she wanted to beat in every nock and corner in her house that her eyes would see. She ended up not only beating her time but coming in first 2-3 seconds faster than the time she had set. Now that is intentional, it takes devotion and a clear vision of your goals. I've set one for myself recently, you should check my blog.