Monday, March 19, 2007

One page to rule them all (tired of using search engines to find people)

I have to say, Facebook sucks. I much prefer myspace and blogspot. I don't know what's the draw--it's so bland. And I'm going to reiterate the statement made a few blogs back: why can't there be just ONE site for profile/blogging/pictures etc?? So annoying.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why is it called a glove compartment?

Somebody just signed in on msn with the sign-in name "the glove compartment isn't aptly named and everybody knows it." That struck me; my thoughts led me to those sayings and terms for things that have been in use for so long that nobody really knows why they are called that any more.

And that led me to remember Christology today where Mark was talking about the 1st communion. When Jesus broke the bread, which was a normal thing at any supper, he passed around the bread tell ing the disciples to eat it; it was his body. And same with the cup: this wine was his blood, and they were to drink it. How odd is that? The disciples must have been really confused and not know the significance of it. Like, they didn't get it that Jesus was going to die. They didn't get it that He was going to have His body literally broken for them, and His blood literally shed for them. They didn't get it until after He rose from the dead that He did that to take our sins on Him, cleanse us with His blood.

Yet Mark was saying that how many times do we sit in church and say, "Sheesh, we still have communion to go," as we anxiously look at our watches. We gulp it down and get outta there. Or we expect to have it every month or something. If we don't have it for a while, we wonder why not. But it's more about the ritual. How many times do we think of the impact of Christ's body being broken, His blood being spilled, and us celebrating that?

My point that I am getting at is there are things that we do today that we have no clue why we do anymore. The disciples might have been horrified at Jesus' words that meal. For a Jew to eat human flesh or drink blood! Same when Jesus said in the synagogue after He fed the 5,000 that unless they (the Pharisees I believe) eat His flesh and drink His blood they woudn't have eternal life. That's nuts.

If we ritualize or periodically forget the meaning of such an integral and conspicuous part of our Christian life, how much more do we concerning the more subtle aspects of our walk?



Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I just went for coffee with a good friend of mine...very refreshing to talk to her, because we talked about ministry and what we'd do after Summit, etc. Usually I don't want to think about that, but with her, I listen to all the stuff she does at her church and how passionate she is about her church and her youth. It makes me think of the potential I have in me and I think that I let myself get a little blind with all the stuff around me. When I talk to her about this stuff I get a yearning to be mentored and to grow. It's like going for a walk and at first, my muscles aren't really warmed up, but then my legs remember what it's like to be active, and I really start to enjoy the walk. And it's like taking a drink from a clean cool stream after the walk, or maybe it's like wanting to take a drink from that stream, because I know it's going to taste so much better and be so fulfilling.
I guess that's a struggle for me; I get consumed with the things around me, and I lose focus on what I'm here for and where God is leading me. I think that's part of why Williams Lake was so revolutionary for me. I caught a glimpse, or maybe totally saw for the first time, the separation of the spiritual world and the physical. What I mean by that is I realized that all the STUFF in our world, like posessions and physical appearance and money and everything like that, doesn't matter. I caught a glimpse of the spiritual effects of my actions and I realized how materialistic I was about everything, not just stuff but about people too; what people wear and what they look like, all the striving against others for better things, social standing, all of that. I realized that it doesn't matter; what matters is being committed to God, living for him in submission and for his glory. I think that's how we can not worry, by knowing that that stuff doesn't matter.
I don't know. But I do know that the talk with my friend was refreshing and I want to be in the type of situation that she's in where she is challenged and poured into and where she challenges and pours into others.

Yeah. Maybe I just need a cure for blindness.