Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Good evening, fellow bloggers. (Or is it afternoon? Oh crap it's morning still.) After jumping on the myspace bandwagon, we have decided to join blogspot. Why? Because we can. We GOTTA. Oh yeah and some of our friends and fans are on blogspot only...no myspace for them. So if we want to comment on their stuff or vice versa, then we need to connect somehow. Although, Snafu needs to somehow consoldate all her crap. She's got stuff all over the internet on various sites. Ugh. Why can't there be just one site that everyone uses??? It would be so much easier to connect with everyone. I know, I know, less creativity, less opportunity for capitalization, etc etc. (Interlude: do you know how long it took to think of the word capitalization??? We were thinking of every word except it. Gah.)
OOH. Blasting Mozart's Requiem: Lacrimosa.
Currently Mimi is journaling all about her feelings. Bible readings apparently do that.
Mimi: "Mah."
Oooh oooh! Mimi's got 2 new voice messages! YES!
Snafu signing off.